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Beef Jerky Korean BBQ

Beef Jerky Korean BBQ

Regular price $35.95
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Welcome the newest flavour addition to our McSweeney’s family of meat snacks – Korean BBQ Beef Jerky! Like all McSweeney’s beef jerky products, it holds true to our commitment of being crafted with 100% Canadian Beef. Add to that a balance of flavours combining savoury, salty, and sweet, we’re proud to present a modern Canadian take on a traditional international flavour.


INGREDIENTS: Beef, Sugars (sugar, brown sugar, pineapple juice from concentrate), Salt, Apple cider vinegar, Spices, Soy sauce powder (soybeans, salt, maltodextrin), Natural flavours (baker's yeast extract, salt, natural flavours), Garlic powder, Apple powder, Onion powder, Beef stock, Natural flavouring, Ascorbic acid, Sodium nitrite, Garlic extract, Smoke.

INGREDIENTS: Boeuf, Sucres (sucre, cassonade, jus d'ananas concentré), Sel, Vinaigre de cidre de pomme, Épices, Sauce soja en poudre (graines de soja, sel, maltodextrine), Arômes naturels (extrait de levure de boulanger, sel, arômes naturels), Ail en poudre, Poudre de pomme, Poudre d'oignon, Bouillon de boeuf, Arôme naturel, Acide ascorbique, Nitrite de sodium, Extrait d'ail, Fumée.

* The package label will have the most up-to-date information.

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