Join the Celebration!

It's our 30th Anniversary and we've got some celebrating to do!

For 30 years, McSweeney’s has proudly served the best tasting meat snacks across this great country of ours, and we’re excited to share in that amazing journey.

Check out how you can join in on the fun below! ↓

  • $30,000 in Contest Prizes

    We’re giving away $30,000 in contest prizes throughout the year on both social media and online, so follow us for updates!

  • New LIMITED TIME Flavour

    Later in the year, we’re launching a new limited time flavour (to be announced!) as part of the celebrations. Stay tuned!

  • Celebrating YOU!

    Cheers to you for making this incredible journey possible for us! Send us your McSweeney's adventures to be featured on our social media accounts!

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